Coming to Tasmania? Plan a trip to the farm!

Coming to Tasmania? Plan a trip to the farm!


Get 50% off Self Guided Tours when you join our Nut Club (normally $10pp) in our 2for1 price deal.  Click the button below to get your secret club member code to enjoy this special offer when next visit the farm!


Is exploring Tassie's beautiful North on your list?  Be sure to add a visit to your favourite Hazelnut Farm to your must-do's!

What can you do there?

Taste your way through several 'free' samples at the 'Nut Bar' while you watch the beautifully curated production video showing you all the harvest & production processes no matter what time of year you visit.  Gather more details through the self guided orchard tour ($10pp), or via the info panels hanging around the retail room. Don't forget to check out the personal nut-cracker collection, some delicately detailed, some funky, and chat to the staff about anything else you can think of.  If your visit coincides with harvest season (March & April), you might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of us working the orchard, or even pick-your-own-nuts!

When can you visit?

Generally, the farm is open 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Friday through the cooler months & Tuesday to Saturday through the warmer month (Oct-Apr).  However please excuse us if we have unexpected days off, as we have a very small team of staff available some days - especially market days, and harvest or pruning days. We are generally closed on Public Holidays, and may reduce hours during Winter & school holidays when we spend time with our kids.  These random changes are usually noted on our facebook page, or you can contact us close to your planned visit if you are on a tight schedule.


How do you find us?

We are just 1km off the main route along the Bass Highway, between Launceston and Deloraine (20min each way).  You can find our road via the slip lane heading West from Launceston, or via Hagley heading East.  Or turn off at the roundabout near Hagley on the Meander Valley Road touring route.  Google maps has been pretty accurate for the last few years - and there's a big sign at our entrance!

127 Hagley Station Lane, Hagley, TAS, 7292

Hazelbrae shop phone 0482945547 (retail hours only - text is best otherwise)

We also recommend...

Grab yourself a Tasting Trail map - we are the first stop on a tantalising taste bud tour of the best of the North West Coast  - you wont be disappointed! 


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1 comment

My wife and I are visiting Tasmania and will be driving along Bass Highway on 22 April. I was keen to know if we can visit your shop and farm on that day around 10 am.

Thanking you


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